Here you find info and links to just about everything regarding me and my music!
Thomas Gunther – About the man

How music fits into my life
I am a musician, and I don’t mean this just as a simple job description. Music is what motivates and excites me; it influences every aspect of my life.
Music accompanied me through the best and worst of times. For example, when I was 12 years old my father became terminally ill and passed away when I turned just 13 years old. Focusing my thoughts on music was what ultimately got me through these difficult time.
It was also my love for music, especially American music, that drove me away from my home country Germany to find a new home in Chicago (read more about why I moved to Chicago).
Bottom line: Music is such an important aspect of my life that if you asked me, “Who Are You?”, I might very well tell you “I am a musician”.
Without Music, life would be a mistake.
Friedrich Nietzsche
(German philosopher)
The Person Behind The Music

Question: Can a person’s character be revealed through her/his work?
Many believe that musicians offer their listeners a unique window into their soul.
Song writers write about stories that are very personal to them.
Frank Sinatra sang his songs with such conviction, that many people thought songs like New York, New York and My Way were written specifically for him, which they were actually not.
I believe that true artists reveal much of themselves to their listeners through their work. At least that’s what being an artist means to me.